Casting Director

Casting Director

Maura Garnett is an upcoming Casting Director who graduated from SVA. She has taken a casting course taught by Bill Hopkins & has worked closely with the acting coach, Mihaela Mihut. As well she has previously interned at Stephanie Klapper Casting, working on Broadway, regional theatre, and off-Broadway projects. As well she intern for the Emmy Winner Casting Director, Avy Kaufman! She currently works at Mark Saks Casting as an Assistant. She is learning directly from Mark Saks, who has won 4 Emmys & has 14 nominations total.


Casting Database!

Join Maura’s casting database to hear first about the roles she is casting! If you are fit for a role she is casting, she will reach out to you directly!

Casting Help!

Need help casting your film? Email Maura to request her help as your casting director.