Maura Garnett’s Biography:

Maura Garnett is a writer/director creating films about the most meaningful issues of our time. Graduate from the School of Visual Arts, specializing in directing and casting. She is currently in post-production on Treading (9 mins) a story about a young woman desperate to find her place in the city, she tries to fill her void of loneliness on an endless carousel of bad dates. Her film Disoriented (8 mins) is a story about a phone call that disrupts the lives of three individuals, leaving to act as if nothing ever happened, which is currently in the festival circuit. Maura's thought-provoking film Playtime (5 mins) delves into the issue of date rape and sexual assault and has garnered critical acclaim at more than 30 festivals including Global Indie Film Festival, Florence Film Awards, Paris Film Awards, Women Directors Film Carnival, Watch Out International Film Festival, New York Movie Awards, MegaFlix Film Awards & among others.

Maura is also an aspiring casting director whose journey is fueled by a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for talent. She has a deep understanding of character and a unique ability to envision the perfect actors for any role she is casting. Previously Maura has interned for Stephanie Klapper Casting which casts for both off-Broadway and Broadway productions. As well, she is was also an intern for the Emmy Winning Casting Director, Avy Kaufman. She is now a casting assistant for 4-time Emmy Winner, Mark Saks.

Maura also occasionally is hired to AD and produce on on other filmmakers' work. Her most recent project as AD includes ‘Good Enough’ (dir Sabrina Geffner) and ‘Heads Up’ (Anja Huang). As well as producer on ‘Dawn of Time’ (dir Manny Martinez) and ‘Based On A True Story That I May Not Vocalize’ (dir Abigail Marshal

Moving Words is a project that opens a dialogue between writer and filmmakers, intersecting voices of all ages. Each year writers will have their work made into a short, experimental film crafted by film makers who are influenced by the work of the writers. For Moving Words 2023, Maura serves at the project’s film coordinator. More information below in regards to her role in the project:

 Founder of

SVA Women in Film